Things The Elderly Ought To Know About When Moving To A New Stairlift In Charleston WV

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If you decide to get a cheaper used stairlift instead of a more expensive new model, this may turn out to be a false economy. This is due to factors such as a guarantee, reliability, availability of spares and quality of after sales service.

One of the benefits of getting a new stairlift is that you know that all the working components are new and you can look forward to many days of trouble free use. Of course, a new stairlift will also be more visually attractive as it will be free of any scratches and other blemishes.

Stairlifts can be fitted to most types of stairwells ranging from straight to curved ones. The design and installation of curved stairlifts is more complex and therefore more expensive than straight ones. A variety of models are available to cater for all your possible needs.

As expected, buying a brand new stairlift will always cost you more than installing a second hand reconditioned one. Although your up front cost will be higher, in the long term you should be better off due to trouble free use and breakdowns.

Stairlift safety is taken very seriously by all reputable stairlift suppliers. There are a number of safety features which include electrical and mechanical brakes, obstacle sensors and on / off switches. This is only a sample of the many safety critical components included in your stairlift.

First time purchasers of a stairlift may find the numerous factors to consider to be overwhelming. Take your time and get to know what's involved before making a final decision. Finding the right company to do business with is really important. If you know anyone who can recommend a company based on their own experience, that would be great start.

For more helpful information and our telephone contact details, please visit our Local Stairlift Wizards website at or our local Charleston WV branch

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