Things People Ought To Be Aware Of When Thinking About A New Stairlift In Plymouth MA

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Early models of stairlift were very basic in design and functionality compared to the latest models you see today. They now come with a wide variety of accessories to meet the needs of even the most discerning users. e.g battery packs to act as a backup if you have an electrical power outage.

Not everyone has a permanent need for a stairlift and a temporary one may be better suited to their needs. In these cases, hiring or renting a stairlift would be more appropriate. Also, most rental costs include the price of installation, removal and any maintenance.

Some people have a need to move their wheelchairs from one floor to another in their home. There are stairlifts available that are able to do this. They have a type of gate that allows the wheelchair to be loaded and then closed for safety considerations. These stairlifts may have to be customized to your specific wheelchair size.

One of the biggest advantages of installing a new stairlift in contrast to a reconditioned one, is that new one will come with the best manufacturers guarantee. This will provide you with peace of mind knowing that you are not going to be hit with any unexpected repair costs while your stairlift is under warranty.

The after sales service that comes with a new stairlift will be better than you can expect when buying a used stairlift. The availability of any components needed to do any repairs will most times be much better on new models than older used ones.

There are circumstances when it may prove financially beneficial to hiring a stairlift as apposed to buying a brand new one. In many instances you will be able to afford to hire a stairlift when a new one is beyond your financial resources.

For more helpful information and our telephone contact details, please visit our Local Stairlift Wizards website at or our local Plymouth MA branch

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+1 (833) 449-0024


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